Sunday, December 9, 2012

How much does a teeth cleaning cost w/o insurance?

Q. I got a mailer coupon from a dentist that says they only charge $46 for a regular cleaning & $29 for an exam & x-ray so total $75. I live in Las Vegas. Seems kinda a cheap gimmick?
But what is the average price for exam/x-ray/teeth cleaning w/o insurance?

A. It really depends where you go but for example in our office(we're in NY) we charge $65for a cleaning but it can be up to $100 if we need to do a full mouth scaling. The exam is $45 and the 4 basic bite wing x-rays are $40. Seems like a deal.

How can i find out how many General Dentist there are in Las Vegas NV?
Q. I tried google and yellowpages but i know not all dentist are in the yellowpages im not trying to get like an actually number but maybe just like and estimation. Any answer will help.

A. Hello, There are two sources for the informatiuon you are looking for: (1) The State Dental Board and (2) The County Dental Society..

How can I make air travel enjoyable?
Q. Allow me to say that I have never flown before. This summer I am going to face one of my fears,flying. I'm going to fly to Las Vegas from Cleveland,Ohio. I am clueless on anything I have to do to pull this off, from booking a flight to baggage check-in to just plain surviving this at all. Anyone have any tips for me? Thanks

A. Flying is amazing, don't worry about anything going wrong because it honestly won't.

Take some lollies on with you so you keep swallowing during take off and landing, having your ears pop is pretty much the worst thing that can happen on a plane.

If you are really scared then watch a movie, fall asleep or find some way to relax yourself.. what do you do in your spare time? If you listen to music do that. Something your body is used to.

Turbulence is normal, planes are built to cope with turbulence and pilots are trained to fly through it with ease. It doesn't last very long, and just keep reminding yourself that the flight will not last forever and before you know it, it will all be over (thats what I tell myself at the dentist)

Enjoy yourself, I was scared of flying when it was my first time. Now I love it!

Suffering from tmj from the Henderson nevada area?
Q. I am from the henderson part of nevada, and I want to know which doctors or dentists are good for treating tmj, and to select the right form of treatment and instution to go to. Please if anyone in the henderson/las vegas area can help me I would be most happy. I just want this pain to go away forever.

A. I'm from Henderson Nv. and I don't have the slightest idea what TMJ is, want to tell us.

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