Sunday, December 9, 2012

is it possible to get your wisdom teeth pulled without getting put to sleep?

Q. yes my insurance doesnt cover the getting put under part and that stugg costs 500 dollars

so i was wondering could i legally get them pulled without getting put to sleep or is it illegal and will they refuse
i go to smile care dentist by the way

A. You can, but if it is a difficult extraction you will have a hard time finding a dentist to do it. You may find one to do it with a local anesthetic if the teeth are already erupted in your mouth, but not if it is a case of impacted teeth. And really, it's worth the money!

What kind of procedure do i go for if i want 2 have a better smile?
Q. When i smile or laugh my gums show. What procedure would i have to have to not have my lip go so high that my gums show?

A. A gingivectomy is commonly used to improve the appearance of excess or overgrown gingiva. Gingival tissue can be reshaped for cosmetic purposes to improve your smile. One quarter of the mouth is usually worked on at a time, after having been numbed by a local anesthetic. Once the area is numb, a laser is used to precisely cauterize and remove gum tissue. Once the procedure is complete, the dr places a special putty over the gumline to protect it and to facilitate healing. Complete healing takes a few days or weeks, after which the gums should take on a much more healthy appearance.

To maintain gum health after a gingivectomy, regular brushing and flossing are essential. All tobacco use should also be eliminated. It is not uncommon for a gingivectomy patient to be prescribed mild antibiotics to take after the surgery, as a precaution against infection. Overall, most gum surgeries are fairly simple procedures, and any postoperative pain can be greatly reduced by over-the-counter pain medicines, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen.

This procedure can be performed by a general dentist, periodontist or an oral surgeon.

What is the best teeth-whitening system that doesn't involve a dentist visit?
Q. I'm trying to find out what is the best teeth-whitening system without going to the dentist for a professional whitening. I'm researching for my fiance, who is in the Marines. Because he doesn't have the time, as well as all the amount of paperwork he would need to file to get a whitening done, we want to find something over-the-counter. He has really sensitive gums, so I'm nervous for him to use the white-strips. Do the trays seem to work better? Or is there another product someone could recommend? Any suggestions would be great...thanks!

A. if you are looking for the best teeth whitening, check out this site

You'll get a white and bright smile just in 1-2 days and it'll last for 6 months or longer.

What can I use to whiten my teeth without a dentist or whitening strips?
Q. I brush and floss daily, but my teeth are still yellowish. I can't afford to get my teeth whitened by a dentist and I don't want to use whitening strips because they haven't helped before. I need suggestions on what I can possibly use instead and how do use it. Thank you!

A. I am a dentist, if you are looking for the best teeth whitening, check out this

You'll get a white and bright smile just in 1-2 days and it'll last for 6 months or longer.

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