Saturday, December 8, 2012

How can I learn to love my braces?

Q. I got my braces a month ago. Mine's a minor case, I only have 2 really crooked teeth and I hate the way I look everytime I smile. The dentist said mine would take about 1-1.5 years. Is there a way to have my braces removed faster and how long will it take to notice the changes in my teeth? Thanks!

A. Just suck it up and know that you're lucky. My brother had his braces for 3 years. I'm getting mine off in September- 2 years. (Although I am getting them off a little early because I did everything the ortho said. But only one month early.) You could get yours off after a year? That's not a long time. And if you have to wear rubber bands, DO. Don't just not wear them because they "kind of" hurt... you'll never get your braces off that way.

What happens to your teeth if you get porcelain veneers at a young age?
Q. I'm 16 and i've got a very extreme case of fluorosis.. my teeth are naturally chalky, with yellow and white spots on them. This really affects my self confidence and i don't smile alot.. my dentist said that i should wait until i am at least 18 until i get veneers.. why is this? if i get them now will all of my teeth fall out before i'm 40 or something?

A. I agree with Shannon that your teeth won't fall out but I disagree that your teeth are ground down to little pegs with veneers. Only a slight amount of enamel is removed on the outside and edge of the tooth. If you have a full porcelain crown placed then the tooth is ground down to a peg. If you did veneers now there may be a small chance that in a couple of years they may have to be redone if your teeth are still not in a stable position. It will not hurt the teeth to do them now but in a couple more years it would be more suitable with less risk of a re-do. Good luck

Is there a dentist in calgary that does probonno work for low income families?
Q. I would like to have a nice smile, people always tell me I look mad all the time because I don't smile. I don't smile because of my teeth.

A. Try contacting FCSS at 268-5151. They may be able to help you find someone.

is it possible to get your wisdom teeth pulled without getting put to sleep?
Q. yes my insurance doesnt cover the getting put under part and that stugg costs 500 dollars

so i was wondering could i legally get them pulled without getting put to sleep or is it illegal and will they refuse
i go to smile care dentist by the way

A. You can, but if it is a difficult extraction you will have a hard time finding a dentist to do it. You may find one to do it with a local anesthetic if the teeth are already erupted in your mouth, but not if it is a case of impacted teeth. And really, it's worth the money!

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