Friday, December 7, 2012

Is there any ask the dentist website? How you will find it?

Q. Searching a ask a dentist website that provides free answer. I will be thankful.

A. Dear Arbor, There are not enough online resources are available. However, I would recommend you to see

(all specialties are available)

(Personal Doctor Website)

Hope it will help you.

Why do dentists recommend that you get your wisdom teeth out before you turn 21?
Q. I've had my bottom wisdom teeth removed 2 years ago because they were giving me a lot of problems. Now my top wisdom teeth are causing pain, but it comes and goes. I turn 21 this year and I was just wondering why dentists or online dentist websites say you should get them out before you turn 21?

A. It's a money-making scam. I've had my wisdom teeth for twenty years, and they've never caused me any problems, and my teeth are nice and straight.

How much would a dentist in the domincan republic charge my for braces?
Q. really how much- i went to different dominican dentist website but they don't list prices
dentists in other countries do but they are too far away

-another question- if i get braces in another country can i still go to a local dentist to tighten them- i can't see why not...especially if i pay him/her cash
-anyone knows wher i can get braces for under $1,500

A. I'm getting mine done in the Philippines where it's only going to be $800-$1000 USD. I live in the US

how much would a dentist in the dominican republic charge me for braces?
Q. really how much- i went to different dominican dentist website but they don't list prices
dentists in other countries do but they are too far away

-another question- if i get braces in another country can i still go to a local dentist to tighten them- i can't see why not...especially if i pay him

A. You will have to get answers to this from your current dentist, I'm sure they would advise against, as most do not want to touch other treatment plans

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